


  • TCS1ST6A2
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TCS1传感器主要用于需要功能性图片的应用。TCET模组提供独立的生物比对系统。TCS1传感器和TCET模组提供的是低耗能下的小面状硅接触技术。图像增强模式(EIM)可以优化各种不同皮肤类型的图像,抓取特征点,并在抓取的过程中去除隐像。触摸式传感器和模组能够和顶尖的MINEX、AFIS等算法匹配。并且他们能够提供入口保护,防止灰尘和水分渗透达到IP65级别。TCET模组提供在线的图像抓取、模板提取以及和ANSI 378、ISO 19794模板标准的多重比对。并且TCS1传感器和TCET模组可以利用合适的软件开发包支持WSQ和JPEG2000压缩。

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The TouchChip TCS1 sensors are designed for applications that need image-out functionality. The TouchChip TCET modules provide a self-contained biometric matching system. Both offer silicon touch technology in small form factors with low power. The Enhanced Image Mode (EIM) optimizes image quality over a broad range of skin types and capture conditions. It eliminates latent images during capture. The TouchChip sensors and modules are compatible with top MINEX and AFIS algorithms. They offer ingress protection from dust and moisture penetration to IP65*. The TCET modules offer on-board image capture, template extraction and minutia matching with ANSI 378 and ISO 19794 template standards. They also support WSQ and JPEG2000 compression

with the appropriate Software Development Kit.

TouchChip Sensors:

•  TCS1CT is the only FIPS 201 certified silicon fingerprint sensor.

•  TCS1ST includes a SteelCoat for enhanced durability

TouchChip Modules:

•  TCETC1 uses the TCS1CT sensor to provide FIPS 201 certification

•  TCETD1 uses the TCS1ST for enhanced durability

The TouchChip TCS1 sensors and TCET modules are designed for use with several Software Development Kits. They also include broad software support from leading algorithm providers, ISV’s and system integrators. Whether you are an OEM or system integrator, Crossmatch’s biometric identity verification solutions provide a natural extension to your applications.

* Requires customer to add external gasket.


Crossmatch helps organizations solve their identity management challenges through biometrics. We empower governments, law enforcement agencies, banks, retailers and other enterprises to mitigate risk, drive productivity and improve service levels. Our solutions are built on consultative expertise, refined best practices and the application of advanced biometrics technologies. Crossmatch understands the forces of change in the markets we serve and we develop solutions that anticipate customer requirements. Our network of consultative and technical service experts collaborate with customers in more than 80 countries worldwide.
